Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm going to hell, right?

So, I know yall wonder what I do with my Jewish holidays off of work. Oh, yes. My school totally lets us off for these, which is more awesome since I'm not Jewish. So, here it is. A little excerpt of how I waste my days:

lola: Hi Rich!

Rich: Hi lola.

lola comes down off her snobby-ass, high-horse to say hello to her favorite student!
Rich: Did you get a nose bleed while up that high?

lola hops back up again and prepares for a ride ala Lady Godiva.
lola: Psssht, naw...I'm used to the altitude up here. You couldn't handle it though. Or I'd take you for a spin.

lola grins.
Rich: No, I don’t snob way up there.

lola: I know...I'm way outta your league up here, baby. Too bad, cause I am butt-ass naked.

Rich: That’s what it was, you’re so high you didn’t see me down here…

lola: Yeah, I am indeed very high.

Rich: Butt ass naked, huh?

lola: Uh huh.

Rich: Come down so I can see.

earthangel: Hi everyone.

Rich: Hi earthangel.

earthangel: Hi Rich. Hi lola huggggggggggggggggs!

lola throws her leg over the horse and gives Rich a little shimmie.
earthangel: Hi Psy.

lola: Hiya ea...avert your eyes if you don't wanna see my nudity! But then, who doesn't?

earthangel: Ok

lola: I mean, really.

earthangel lola gives ea a bit of a shimmie and a wink.
JB: lola!

lola: Whaaaat? It was only a little peek.

earthangel winks back at ya, lola.
lola: You can come up here though, JB...if you want.

JB: Put your Satan love muffins away!

earthangel: Never a dull moment when you are here, lola.

JB: Hide your shame, girl!

lola: I have NO SHAME!!!!

earthangel laughsssssssssssssssssss.
Rich: She don’t even know the meaning of that word.

earthangel: You go girlllllllllllllllllllllllll!

lola shakes her hair away from her naked breasts and grinsssssssssss.
Rich: Nice, lola.

lola: Chanks Rich...that's why you're my favorite student.

Rich: I miss your classes though.

lola: I know, I know...I'm a lousy teacher. I suppose I could letcha spank me for it.

Rich: I should, huh?

lola: But, for now I must disrobe and have lunch...wait. Other way around.

Psy: Hi earthangel.

lola: And then, the games begin! I'm having a Get-Naked-For-God Day!!! It's Yom
Kippur, you know. Jesus wants to see my boobies. Wow. Yep, no shame. Back in a bit, yall.
lola is now known as lola{JB}nakedforJesus

Yes, I am indeed writing this naked. Hee hee.


Blogger Mike said...

You'll have company in hell! ;-)

4:16 PM  

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