Okay, so what happens when two pseudo-intellectuals get together and run with it? Let me show you. Neither one of us can stop and say, "No, no. Now you're just getting weird." Everything's normal; everything is accepted as fact. We think we're sooo funny. And so the following (Sir/lola):
We have France.
Oh? The country?
Booze cruises? No? ...nay mind.
Cheap and convenient way to supply a party. Get one truck…
Mm hm.
Some people to load beer…go over and stock truck…maybe pick up an immigrant.
Nice, always wanted one.
Then drive truck to party.
A dirty one, at that…truck or French immigrant.
Just have to get it, and him, past immigration. Booze is very cheap…and in bottle form…
Nice...liking France...me and M are staying there.
…for the later fight.
Oo, bottle fights. How West Side Story!
I like it.
So many choices for the modern day smuggler or immigrant…the chunnel…air travel…sea…cannon.
Excellent. I see you've thought this out. I like a man with a plan.
Yeah well… I'm really from Eractneepuss. The accents are uncannily similar. Very handy.
Sounds like an STD.
Or a baby…apparently.
Yes. Like a baby. Like a baby STD.
We were a big nation…now there’s only an old man and a goat left…we all live here.
You know what's going to happen one lonely night then...
Baby STDs.
That’s why we built a wall. Berlin style.
I think that was a good plan, Sir. Berlin had a point. Not a good point, but what can you expect? They're too busy reserving things with towels.
I think it's nice they had a plan at all.
…and making good cars. Yes. Plus…we covered the goat in a full body condom…just in case.
Oh, good thinking with the goat. Protect the innocent. Though I've heard things about that goat. Slut.
You’re forgetting the Russians in this though…I think it was more their plan.
Forgetting nothing. The Russians were too busy getting drunk. Or maybe it was perms. Yeah, getting perms. Or tans? I forget. I just know they weren't there.
Why do you think they got the perms?
Well, I assume they were just up with the times and being fashionably sensible.
No, to dampen the orange tan, which they got when they fell asleep on the tanning bed, pissed.
Ahh, I KNEW there was a reason I talk to you. I learn so much. Wily Brits.
Mm hmm. Sigh, le sigh.
You all silly bantered out?
Nuttela nips. Never!
Grin. I know; it's why I like ya.
I'll banter up to the point I pull the trigger.
I fear that's the truth.
Yeah, well.
Jesus. What the fuck was that? Sigh. n gets her lovely lectures, p gets her, "Are you being a good girl?" I get this. Always had to be different, didn'tcha lola? Always liked the odd ones. Grin.
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