Sunday, December 11, 2005

Attention Bloggies!!

Okay, my little bloggies. If there was ever a time that I need the support of my tiny blog community--it's now.

I have to come up with something nice to do for JB. If I don't, something terrible will happen. I can't buy him anything and I can't send him e-cards (already asked...I'm so lazy about these sorts of things). I need suggestions...if you're a chickie, what have you done in these situations? If you're a fella, what would you like done for you? Anything. Help!

I've got nothing. I'm totally fucked. I was explicitly instructed to do something yesterday. Needless to say, I didn't do it. I tried to do it...okay, not very hard, but an effort was made. Logistically, anyhow. When I explained this to him, he was angry. I hate disappointing him. He's giving me one last chance to come up with something nice or there will be punishment. I don't want that.

Help, help, help!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, the irony is...letting him punish you is the one nice thing you can do for him. :)


Don't ask me. I'm currently awaiting the Hand of Doom to descend on me. I'm currently rueful and terrified and all those shitty things.

I hate this kink. (Just kidding)

Let me know what you figure out.

Love and other four letter words,


P.S. What does he like to do -- other than you, I mean. :P

1:00 AM  
Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

What would I like to get?


10:00 AM  
Blogger macaroon said...


Hiiieeee! And I would love to think that, but he's going to be upset if I even suggest it. Hand of Doom. Damn. I am currently both as well, borderline wishing that I was a normie vanilla who didn't have to do penance for not participating in what I KNOW to be undeserved torture. Fuck!

I don't know how to do something nice; I've exhausted all my nice.

And Jerkie, I wish that could be the answer, but I know it's not. It's never that simple, you dirty boy.

1:06 PM  

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