Sunday, May 07, 2006


I told my boss that I'm not going to take my contract on Thursday afternoon. I told 31 and E Thursday morning. They know where my allegiance and priorities lie. I told some of the faculty on Friday and we all went out after. I'm going to miss the Mexicali Crew. We do need tee shirts.

I tell the students tomorrow. I'm actually pretty sad. I liked most of those little mutants. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what's up next?

6:10 PM  
Blogger DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Thata girl....

Now it's all up to you, from here on out is nothing but a day at the park...

Miss ya' lola, later...


P.S. Looks like both of us need to turn on that stupid word verification, or maybe just give up blogging, naahhhh, that would be too easy, I'll go with the WV, anyway I'll talk to ya' later...

8:29 PM  
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