The Frogs and The Meek
This poem somehow changed my life. Grin.

When I'm down and sad, they cuddle the limey.
They stroke my hair and pet my face
Until I shoot them, for the human race.
Manifest destiny, baby! As Eddie Izzard pointed out...I want to be inside you, pushing into you, listening to you cum and cry out as I fuck you, your thighs and arms holding me, my weight crushing your tits, your fat lips by my ear as your pussy grips me...wait, that wasn't Eddie. This was Eddie:
(Jesus Christ) "Anyway, these are just some ideas, you know, they are all rough, that my dad had: 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.'"
(dinosaur) "Raarrgh!"
"All right, we'll cross that one out. 'Cause they won't mind."
(becomes meek person who has just got the news) "No, no we're fine, really, that's fine. Not inherit the earth? Oh, right, we don't need any…"
(JC) "Do you mind if you just don't inherit the earth? We'll do 'Blessed are the meek' and that's it."
(meek) "All right. Do we inherit anything?"
(other meek) "No. Well, maybe on old picture of an aunt."
(meek) "Well, we're all right with that, thank you."
'Cause the meek have had a hell of a time, as Python talks about. But you'd think: the meek, they were supposed to inherit the earth. You'd think, No! They should be having meetings all over the world saying:
(angry meek person) "Well I'd like to call this meeting to order. Has anyone inherited the earth?"
(meek) "Well I inherited a car from my aunt, a Ford Cortina."
(angry meek person) "Well that's not exactly the earth, is it, Simon? I think we should pool our assets and get guns. That's the only thing people pay attention to. 'Lock and Load! What do we want?"
(meek union) "We want the earth!"
(angry meek person) "When do we want it?"
(meek union) "Now motherfucker! (mimes machine gunning) Oh, you want some do you? Come on you bastards, it's our fucking earth!"
(film trailer voice) "The Meek! They want it All!" (fast disclaimer voice) "Don't watch this film if you are on IV prophane. If you're legs are nailed to your mother. If your jam lives in your…"
Awwww, look at the widdle frog muff!
It's so tiny!
I need help.
Call me.
Oh, Kermie...
How I want to rub down your delightfully-gooey reptilian neden.
ummmmmmm (kermie licks his clamy lips) thats it, now stroke, ooooooooooo yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Reminds me of Do The Evolution, by Pearl Jam.
I'm at peace
With my lust
I can kill
'Cause in God I trust, yeah.
It's evolution, BABY!
Would you rather Rule the World, Or Inherit the Earth? I know.
Go ahead and get Kermits undivided ass up and rolling.
Anonymous can say a lot but can Anonymous be trully Anonymous?
I don't care but the ruler and the heir may want to know, later...
Ryan! You came...I love it when that happens. Hee hee.
I'm gonna handle Kermie's nuts, MsCardea, don'tchu worry! Grin.
I think Blu's trying start some shit, Anonymous. I wanna see that, babies.
Cheers ladies and fellas...I like that chiddle froggie...he's all puffy and might say, like a "majestic pink penis"!! Except not. I just wanted to use the bunny rabbit ears. Damn, this makes no sense.
Late. Grin.
*wink* Can I help it if I incessantly check my list of bookmarked blogs? I'm just happy to find people who talk back. heh.
Right on, Wolf, that's my boy now lola let him get back to the rally, later...
Keep up the good work
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